Who We Are

Our church has been left behind by the digital revolution. Some have started to take action, but their efforts are often fragmented and inefficient.

We have made it our mission to tend the digital “vineyard” of Adventism by fostering collaboration, building tools and identifying gaps that need to be filled.

Our Team

We have a multidisciplinary team of specialists that support our members and partners; many of whom are successful entrepreneurs in their own right.

Luke Farrugia

CEO & Co-founder

David Brown

COO & Project Manager

Cameron Gilroy

Chief Technology Officer

Shanna Duke


Rohan George

WordPress Developer

Kevin Coleman

Senior Developer

James Tregenza

Systems Specialist

Samuel Clarke

Digital Strategy Advisor

Ahmad Faizien

UI Designer

Kahn Ellmers

Director of BV Audio

Claudine Reyes

Executive Assistant

Jonathan Wold


Anna Maria Radu


Why “Blue Vineyard”?

In business a “blue ocean” is an industry or market segment with considerable opportunities and minimal competition. Both are features we see in this area, supporting the digital needs of the church.
The Bible often depicts the field of gospel work as a vineyard in which we are co-labourers with Jesus. This is the area in which we desire to have an impact.
Assembled together, those concepts describe what we are doing, where we are doing it and who we are doing it for.

Core Values

These values are the guiding principles of how we relate to our partners, team members and clients.

Cultivate Other Centeredness

This is at the core of how we relate to our team, our partners, clients and competitors. It is foundational to our faith.

Choose Curiosity

Curiosity is where all breakthroughs happen, we cultivate it in all our interactions to find mutually beneficial opportunities.

Live Abundantly

As recipients of the abundant life, we live and serve from a place of abundance. This means we do business with generosity.

Focus Intently

We do many things but we are laser-focussed on our mission and seek to do it with all our might.

Improve Continuously

We are in pursuit of excellence. Real progress is not made by intensity, it is found in consistent, intentional effort.

We derive these values from our understanding of the character of God as revealed in scripture. We seek to emulate Him in every area of life.

Investing in young people.

We are planning to provide opportunities and mentorship for young people who are interested in serving Adventist organizations with their talents.
If that is you, please connect with us.

Connect with us

If you are interested in connecting with us, sumbit the form below and we will be in touch with you.