Lessons From My Podcasting Journey: Networking

By Kahn Ellmers

2024 has been like climbing up a steep mountain. The learning curve has been steep. Over the past year, networking has been one of my biggest challenges. It’s become clear to me that knowing the right people can make a huge difference. It’s not just about what you know, though skills are important, it’s also about who you know.

So, I’ve been exploring various avenues for making connections, and I wanted to share what’s worked (and what hasn’t!) for me. I’m also keen to hear about your experiences and what you think are the best places for podcast producers and audio engineers to connect.

Here’s a breakdown of my experiences so far:

  • LinkedIn: I joined a couple of groups and even became an admin for one. However, I found that this wasn’t the most effective way to find clients or build a network. Instead, I’ve had more success searching for people with keywords like “Podcast” or “leadership” and then engaging with their content. Commenting on their posts and making friends has felt like a much more organic way to build relationships. This approach does take time and long-term investment, but I’ve found it to be worthwhile.
  • Facebook Groups: I recently joined a few podcasting communities on Facebook. To be honest, I haven’t found these groups to be particularly valuable, as many seem to be focused on selling services. However, I do recommend the Podcast Movement Community as a helpful resource.
  • Reddit: I’m not very active on this platform, but I have noticed a strong podcasting community on some of the forums, like r/podcasting.
  • PodMatch: This is a recent addition to my networking toolkit. I am planning on attending a virtual event hosted by PodMatch next month. It will be a first for me. I discovered that Podnews is offering a free link to join the event. You will find it here. PodMatch aims to elevate the voices of independent podcast hosts and guests. The platform is designed to streamline the podcasting process by providing software solutions that make it more cost-effective and less time-consuming. They claim to save an average of 13 back-and-forth messages and 3 hours of administration time per interview. It’s encouraging to know that they seem to value their members and seek to serve their needs. I see it as a unique way to connect with people around the world. (I don’t work for PodMatch, I just appreciate the work they are doing.)

I’m also really interested in attending some in-person events, such as Podcast Movement‘s Podcast Movement event and Podfest Multimedia Expo‘s Podfest Expo. But since I’m located in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, I think I’ll find myself opting for the Podfest event, whenever that will be (I’m clueless).

Ultimately, I’m striving to spend less time on administrative tasks and more time creating content. I love making stories that bring life to intelligent coaches, leaders, and business brands. And to do that I first need to step into their shoes – and learn about their needs. I hope that these platforms can provide me with opportunities to do just that in the coming year.

What are your go-to networking spots in the podcasting world? I would value your insights!

I hope this is helpful and look forward to engaging with you about your experiences too. Drop me a comment below!

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