
We are seeking to serve adventist organizations by building a family of companies that support the Adventist ecosystem in the digital space.

Currently we are offering the following main fields of service.

Digital Agency

We offer design, development, hosting and marketing services in collaboration with Seguru Digital.

Event Registration Solution

Specifically designed for Camp meeting registration, we also have a solution for less complex events.

Podcast Production

We offer podcast editing, production and audio consulting services to to Adventist world.

We have two more services in development that we hope to announce soon.

The Bigger Picture

We are not only interested in a single product or service. We want to see the whole category thrive, so we are looking for strategic partnerships to connect the broader Adventist community to the best digital solutions on offer.


We believe in:


We should not have to reinvent the wheel just because people are unaware of great tools that have already been developed.

True Partnerships

We want to help Adventist organizations build long-term business relationships with digital providers who understand the mission.

Support our community

There should be no need to continually try untested services when we have competent specialist Adventist providers.

Generosity in Business

When we are serving God there is always enough for everyone. If we know another organisation who is a better fit for you, we will refer you.

Are you a service provider?

If you have a digital product or service designed to serve Adventist organizations we want to see you thrive. If you are interested in seeing how we can help or partnering with us, please get in touch.